To be very very happy
The girlfriend on the sly or that no one knows of
Something disgusting or horrible. No question here, whatever is described as 'pure mank' is truly shockingly disgusting.
Combination of the words John and Edward, made popular during X-Factor UK when twins from Dublin named John and Edward became popular.
An enquiry as to whether one has any interesting news.
A question asked if someone feels you are unhappy, troubled or angry due to something another person has said or done.
A rude term describing the nether regions of the female of the homo sapiens sapiens species.
A soft drink. Usually given out free with a sausage special in the local take away.
Said in response to someone saying thanks. Comes from a Joke where David Hasslehoff asks a Clerk to change his name to the Hoff... when the Clerk said Sure, No Hassle. Now instead of saying "No Hassle" people just say Hoff.
The time it takes to take a piss
'A thing of' is a very Irish way of describing an inanimate object, usually a container or packaging of sorts. Be it down to laziness, or actually not knowing the name of what the object is, this expression has many uses.
Would often be used in conversation to indicate a sharp drop in air temp.
Not have a clue
Oral sex
Euphemism describing the act of defecating, metaphorically speaking. Otherwise known as taking a good hard shyte for oneself. This particular expression is used when the excrement is of a particularly large and solid nature.
A slow walker.
Would often be used in conversation to indicate a sharp drop in air temp.
This is a very, very common thing amongst Irish people when describing a person, place or thing. Because sometimes we can't articulate how large or small an object is, or the skin tone of an individual or even the heat of a local curry dish - we use this a lot! We basically just say the word twice and the person who gets the info knows exactly what we mean by tone alone.
An unearthly rock formation in the shape of an erect penis complete with testicles in the Mahon Valley in the Comeragh Mountain range, pronounced man valley, which is an unfortunate enough coincidence. Legend has it that if you spit on Dicky Rock you will receive the gift of the shag!
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