Tipperary Slang Terms, Expressions, & Irish Spoken Language - Irish Phrases DINGER Details Parent Category: Munster Slang: Tipperary VERY RELIABLE Dry Boys Details Parent Category: Munster Slang: Tipperary Term to describe a group of men that often drink in the pub. "Dry", (with a rolled "r") meant to imply that they are very thirsty for alcohol. Dubling Details Parent Category: Munster Slang: Tipperary (pronounced "Dublin") When a culchie decides to visit Dublin for the day, they are "gone dubling" or simply just "dubling" Duck Fat Details Parent Category: Munster Slang: Tipperary Labeling somebody who is wealthy as a person who spends his leisurely time eating expensive tins of Duck fat. Usually indicating that the person is Fat Him/Herself Fandango Details Parent Category: Munster Slang: Tipperary A male organ..found between the legs! Fanlegend Details Parent Category: Munster Slang: Tipperary A portmanteu of fantastic and legend to describe something that is great FAWNING Details Parent Category: Munster Slang: Tipperary LICKING UP TO ANOTHER PERSON Few Shcoops Details Parent Category: Munster Slang: Tipperary Term used to indicate a large amount of alcohol Figary Details Parent Category: Munster Slang: Tipperary To do something in haste Page 3 of 14 Start Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next End Joomla SEF URLs by Artio