Waterford Slang Terms, Expressions, & Irish Spoken Language - Irish Phrases
A complete load of bollox further impoverishing the Irish people because a bunch of eejits backed the banks over its people.
Describing a group of people who are seen regulary at a regular event or place
The Foundary was a factory in Waterford where everyone's grandfather used to work. It was located down by the kay river. They used to pronounce it in this way due to the peculiar gutteral r sound of the old Waterford accent.
A bag of chips (thick cut potato fries) that contains and arbitrary number of chips more than a regular bag of chips. The amount of extra chips is at the discretion and generally based on the mood of the person serving as there is no standard measure for a large chip.
To be mortally wounded by one's spouse/parent/friend for not doing something you were supposed to do
A couple who are from two different counties
A torturing device used on men to get them to do something they normally wouldn't. A torturing device that connects to the nipples using crocodile clips causing severe and acute pain. Sophisticated manipulators can deliver an electric shock to the nipple adding to the persuasive effectiveness of the device.
Moobs are fatty deposits on a male's chest, which mimic female mammary glands. Moobs is derived from a shortened (combined) version of the term 'man boobs'. Commonly thought to be the result of the eating habits of fat hungry cnuts; however, some modern practictioners suggest that moobs have become commonplace due to the high exposure of the population to estrogen in modern living due to foods, pesticides and plastics. Moobs are generally considered unattractive, however, there are some members of society who are turned on by these hairy fun bags.