Irish Slang Phrases
This is a very, very common thing amongst Irish people when describing a person, place or thing. Because sometimes we can't articulate how large or small an object is, or the skin tone of an individual or even the heat of a local curry dish - we use this a lot! We basically just say the word twice and the person who gets the info knows exactly what we mean by tone alone.
Shades car
Smelly fanny - tuna vagina - i.e. a smelly garkla garden
A term said to another person to describe how your opinion is correct and theirs isnt...or used to annoy someone
Awful/ terrible
Someone who spends their day living life like a total Tramp Head "see tramp head"
A muttin is a random term with no meaning, can you be used in any sense How's your muttin = how are you That's some muttin = that's a nice thing
Mentally unstable person, often used as a compliment to describe somebody who’s up for a laugh.
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